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Silly Creature

Silly Creature

Above the clouds at 500 miles per hour you race the timeline;
Headed to the western lavender sky, behind the sinking shine
Of that descending fire orb. Vainly attempting to catch the star,
As a man in a foot race with a horse. -Brilliant man. Starter
Of engines and structures beyond any of Darwin’s expectations.
Still, you cannot out run the designs of miraculous creation.
Yet you try, and progressions are ever made. You impressive beast.
Shroud of darkness upon you, a famished predator closing from the east.
Soon to bite and swallow you. Lavender turns purple then burgundy then black.
And your winged vessel will touch down soon, delivering its humble cargo back
To terra firma. Impressive monkey. In the garage your horseless buggies await.
You cover impossible spans in less than the day; you fortunate child of the machine age.
And the orb is seemingly circling, its cycle course a constant continual,
Until black lightens to gold, while you dream on that all this is the usual.
…..You silly creature.

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